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Telework With SwitchBoard In The Cloud Benefits For The Company

Telework With SwitchBoard In The Cloud Benefits For The Company

The transition from the physical switchboard to the virtual one has become in recent years one of the main priorities of companies worldwide. In addition to the obvious financial savings of this change, the cloud PBX offers companies several advantages and possibilities that would not otherwise be within their reach.

One of the most beneficial for both the company and the employees is the implementation of telework, through which the working day is carried out, usually, from home or any other place chosen by the employees.

And thanks to the cloud switchboard, certain companies whose activity allows it, have opted for this type of hiring for the majority of their employees since it carries with it a series of advantages not only for the organization but also for the staff.

ll of its pros have allowed remote work to be an upward trend. And while it is true that the definitive takeoff of this modality has come from the obligation marked by the crisis with the Covid-19 staying at home, analysts agree that many companies will implement this way of working after having seen its benefits first hand.

The Great Advantages Of Teleworking For Employees The Business

One of the main benefits that teleworking brings to employees is, of course, the saving of time and money that is used in the face-to-face model to travel to offices. With remote work, we save an average of 45 minutes, and the same in return. To this, we must also add the cost of gasoline or public transport that travel involves.

Family reconciliation is another great advantage of this new way of carrying out our work activity. Since it provides greater schedule flexibility, we will be able to adapt working hours so that they do not interfere with our obligations if we have dependents in our charge. Or simply to organize daily or weekly schedules according to our preferences.

On the other hand, geographic flexibility is also greater. If the company has a cloud switchboard that allows telecommuting, employees who routinely perform their work in offices can continue to do so when they are away, at a meeting or on a business trip. Thanks to this, the tasks will never be interrupted and therefore, the business performance will be maximum.

Furthermore, with this way of working, not only does the worker save, but the company also reduces its infrastructure expenses. Thus, the rental of offices and meeting spaces is immediately avoided and all costs associated with this, such as electricity or water bills, are eliminated. In parallel, it also considerably reduces the expense of office supplies. If we add each of these numbers, at the end of the month the savings are more than considerable.

Finally, with teleworking, an organization expands the possibility of accessing more qualified employees and retaining the most talented. Among these, it is worth noting the new generations of young people, who claim when choosing a position is to be able to perform it remotely.

PBX in The Cloud And Teleworking Steps To Implementation

For a company to implement teleworking, it is necessary to do so following a series of guidelines. It is not about simply sending employees home. You must have the backing of a strategy for this decision to be effective for business development.

Hiring A PBX In The Cloud: it is the first step since, without a virtual PBX, implementation would not be possible. The positive part is that, since it does not require very high initial investments or complicated configurations, the transition from the physical switchboard to the virtual one is an easy, economic, and fast process.

Provide Adequate Equipment For Your Employees: for a worker to carry out his professional tasks from home, he needs adequate equipment. But again, this is not going to suppose a great extra investment, since you will only need a computer (which, on the other hand, would need the same if you worked in the office), and an Internet connection, which usually exists in almost all homes. Personnel to telework, they are usually provided with the necessary equipment, but it can also be negotiated if this is provided by the employer or the employee. This already depends on the interests of the company and should be seen on a case-by-case basis.

Maintain Permanently Active Communication Channels: throughout the entire employment relationship, it is important that the employee does not feel abandoned. There must be a constant channel of communication between those responsible and the members of each team. For this, there are several tools that, like Microsoft Teams, facilitate communication through chats, virtual meetings, or video conferences.

Train Workers: if we want a worker to do his job properly, whether in the office or outside it, we must make the usual action protocols available to him.

Train The Coordination And Supervision Team: in the same way, the people in charge of supervising or coordinating the teleworkers must not only be trained but familiar with the aforementioned action protocols.

Also Read: Improve Your Wi-Fi Connection Speed

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