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Strategies And Tools To Migrate To The Cloud

Strategies And Tools To Migrate To The Cloud

This process has been simplified thanks to the new technological solutions with which migrating to the cloud becomes an important leap in quality for any organization. In this way, technology is put at the service of people to access cloud environments in a flexible and economical way.

Solutions To Facilitate Migration To The Cloud

There are tools to make migrating to the cloud easier.

The Cloud Migration Process

To perform a successful migration, you must have a strategy and a plan.


Planning and executing a comprehensive strategy that sets migration goals, creates a timeline, anticipates challenges, and defines project success is key and necessary for effective cloud migration. When developing migration strategies, organizations need to identify which workloads are going to move to the cloud, which will remain in their current Data Processing Centers, and which new applications and functions can be added once they become available.

A cloud technology. In a migration strategy, in addition to all the technical and security considerations, it is necessary to at least make risk assessments and budgets since, in addition to the migration costs, we will have to consider that parallel environments will have to be maintained for a certain time.


After the strategy is developed and agreed upon, the next step is to plan the stages of the migration. This migration plan must address all the workloads that are going to be migrated to the cloud and see the time and order to transfer them. It is often advantageous to migrate a workload to test the process, evaluate the results, and make any necessary adjustments before moving forward with others, at least in the early stages.

Migration plans should include roadmaps, planning, project metrics, migration tools, and services from professionals who are experts in different disciplines. Another key component is a communication plan for decision makers in the organization, the implementation team, vendors, and other stakeholders, such as users affected by changes resulting from the migration.

Key Elements For A Successful Migration To The Cloud

To be effective, a migration plan must include at least the following elements:

Migrating to the cloud can involve costs and risks for an organization.

Workload Migration

Keep in mind that an organization’s cost to migrate application data to the cloud includes hardware, software, staff, and other costs.

Tools And Services

There are various tools on the market, which provide various options for handling specific aspects of the migration. They can help us simplify and speed up the migration process with minimal disruption to operations. Integra’s professional services with partners like IBM with solutions like Turbonomic offer a combination of tools, expertise and various levels of automation to streamline the migration process and successfully execute a secure cloud migration.

Network Connectivity

Another cost consideration is investment in network connectivity to be able to handle increased bandwidth demands and post-migration costs to run workloads in a new environment already migrated to the cloud.

Workforce, Facilities, and Organization Size

These are factors that affect the cost of migrating to the cloud. They include the staff involved in the project, the use of both existing and new facilities, and the size of the organization that “performs” and the one that “undergoes” the migration.

Application Modernization

The process of migrating current applications to new modern methods can incur a high initial cost but it can be justified with new functional improvements or with the subsequent reduction of errors or maintenance costs.


The deadlines that an organization establishes for the completion of the project can have an effect on the cost of the migration, both due to the potential of additional personnel and the extra costs if we want to shorten the time very aggressively, more personnel and more complex management.


There are many reasons why organizations consider migrating data and applications to the cloud. Some of the main reasons are the ability to be agile and flexible, as well as staying competitive with your competition. The main benefits for cloud adoption include:

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