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Retail At The Forefront Of Technology

Retail At The Forefront Of Technology

Retail, whether in textiles or food, constitutes one of the most critical sectors in the economic sphere at a national and international level. This sector is constantly evolving because it has to adapt continuously and permanently to the needs of its customers. For this, they invest a lot of budgetary and resource efforts in IT, thus putting technology at the service of people.

To comply with what is demanded by the actors involved, the technology and innovation departments are in continuous search of new solutions that enhance their logistics, how to show their potential customers the attractiveness of their products through different channels ( physical and online), as well as making the shopping experience of consumers as attractive as possible.

Without forgetting this constant search for new solutions, the main objective of the retail sector is without a doubt that its technological infrastructures, both in physical stores and online, are available 365 days a year to support a business that does not understand stops. And that lives its peaks of activity in contrast to the traditional holiday periods of the labor market.

What Are The Needs Of The Retail Sector

For years, the leading manufacturers, consultancies, and technology integrators have focused on creating an ecosystem that can satisfy all customer demands—relying on solutions, services, and products in onsite and remote IT infrastructures such as Cloud, Cybersecurity, Systems, Communications / Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Digital Marketing, RPA, etc.

Within this general portfolio, we could focus on some specialized solutions for retail, with the particularities that each type of product implies and never forgetting that we must facilitate the sale and never interrupt the service.

Integra Strategy and Technology are positioned as one of the high added value technology partners for the retail sector, combining these technological capabilities, both general and specialized, and always offering a tailor-made solution for each business.

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