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Professional Services To Maintain Security In The Company

By TrendsTechBlog , in SECURITY , at June 24, 2022 Tags: , , ,

Cybercriminals do not rest and continually look for cracks in the enterprise IT infrastructure to launch cyberattacks. That is why it is a good opportunity to hire professional services through the nextgen funds to maintain security in the company and thus fill the gaps or lack of internal staff resources.

Many cybersecurity solutions based on cutting-edge technologies allow companies to advance in their fight against cyberthreats. We have reviewed many posts on this blog: antivirus, firewalls, antispyware, EDR, email protection, encryption, and endpoint management. But it is not enough to implement these products. Without a continuous review of its correct operation and the state of all the components that make up the company’s IT infrastructure, its scope will be small. That is why the Next Generation EU grants for SMEs, besides providing aid to deploy cybersecurity and secure communications products, include items to subsidize security maintenance services.

Cyber ​​Threats Vulnerable Points Of Companies

These Digital Kit aids for SMEs focused on managed security services revolve around three axes: the management of patches and updates, the vulnerability scanner, and the security maintenance itself.

With the digital bonus that covers these areas, it is intended to strengthen the capacities of organizations when it comes to guaranteeing the security of IT infrastructures since most do not have enough IT personnel, nor are they generally adequately trained in a field as complex and changing as security.

The prevention and remediation of cyberattacks begin with continuous monitoring and updating of the business technology environment to avoid situations like these that are open doors to cybercriminals:

  • Servers hosted in cloud environments without robust measures, with simple user-password accesses that are easy to attack.
  • Lack of protection of communications between offices by VPN.
  • Wi-Fi networks of clients and companies that use the same WAN.
  • Communication switches that lack management and support.
  • Servers and software for which the licenses are not found.
  • Carrying out backups without encryption functionality, with wrong configurations, environments without history, offline backups or disaster recovery plans, etc., breaches the RGPD.

Advantages Of Hiring Professional Cybersecurity Services

Opting for the European recovery funds for SMEs is a great opportunity to incorporate an external IT security management and maintenance service into the company that provides multiple advantages:

  • Optimization of work operations by consolidating the information in fully identified secure resources.
  • Securing the information that flows throughout the company’s IT infrastructure by protecting platforms and communications.
  • Increased availability levels of IT services.
  • Improvement of SLA levels in case of incidents.
  • Continuous support from a team of experts in different disciplines and technologies to apply effective prevention and detection solutions.
  • Development of awareness campaigns among users.
  • Creation of a secure teleworking system adapted to the current needs of companies.

Security Managed Services For Group Digital Kit

Digitizing agent for nextgen funds and offers SMEs the knowledge and experience of its certified IT staff to cover these areas of business security maintenance with the digital bonus:

  • Management of patches and updates. Both Microsoft and third-party software for servers and workstations.
  • Automation and scripting. It includes automation of tasks, massive changes and proactive tasks in response to events, and task programming based on custom scripts and tasks predefined by the platform. It allows the rapid and centralized deployment of both granular configurations and software, allowing the application of security measures on computers in any location with Internet access, which facilitates the almost immediate correction of vulnerabilities, as well as the installation of software.
  • Monitoring of the IT environment in real-time and remotely of all the devices: Sending alerts on the availability of devices, performance, security status, and backup.
    Performance Checks – Hardware and software health checks on workstations, servers, and network devices at multiple work locations.
    Hardware and Software Inventory: reporting to compare the software installed with the one purchased.
    Remote control: a small tool to equipment for support and maintenance.
  • Vulnerability scanner. Execution of a specific tool periodically and correction of any anomalies detected. Issuance of control reports.
  • Advice for the maintenance of security. Implement good security practices in systems according to manufacturers’ recommendations and security regulations. Application of policies according to regulatory compliance and information protection. Training in cybersecurity aimed at the management level.

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