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Six Key Trends For The Transformation Towards Digital Health

By TrendsTechBlog , in TECHNOLOGY , at July 12, 2021 Tags: , , ,

Technological innovation in health is changing the rules of the game in the health area. The key to its success lies in its high efficiency and competitiveness. But before we start using digital health platforms for healthcare, both as a professional and as a patient, we want to show you what solutions technology provides and what are the reasons why using a platform like ours benefits us.

This article offers you a list of key trends that lay the foundations of the technological transformation in health, contributing to their reason for being. In other words: we tell you why it is so necessary to take the technological leap in health care.

What Are The Key Ideas Of Digital Health

1. Prioritize Preventive Medicine: Instead of waiting for something serious to happen, digital health helps us take care of our health day by day, collecting varied and detailed information about our medical history, genetics, habits (diet, weight, sleep, blood pressure, stress or heart rate). Furthermore, allowing us to quickly contact a professional in case of doubt or detect a problem so that we can solve it easily and quickly.

2. Patient-Centred Healthcare Based On Interconnectivity: Medical care is focused on the patient and the interconnectivity provided by the platform. Thus, we have more professionals to care for people as the population ages and requires more attention. In this field, digital health gains weight, providing remote medical services through network and communication systems. This option helps reduce waiting times significantly and increases patient satisfaction.

3. Constant And Ongoing Care Any Where: Online consultation applications offer us the possibility of maintaining our health daily, promoting the daily care of our health and that of ours. Thanks to it, we can consult with a professional or make a medical appointment from our own home. This is of great help and even crucial for both patients and professionals whose lifestyle is busy or has mobility problems, such as the elderly, people with functional diversity, families with very young children.

4. Changes In The Payment Model: Electronic, instantaneous, secure and without the exchange of physical money. Applications must comply with official data policies and regulations, making them a fast and automated payment method that avoids paperwork such as going to the bank or filling out payment letters.

5. A Higher Level Of Precision, Patient Adherence And Better Real-Time Professional Monitoring: Storing data online allows patients and doctors to obtain accurate and detailed information at all times. Apps and new technologies enable patients to take the correct medicine, the right dose, and at the right time.

6. Dispense With Intermediaries To Optimize Times: In this way, we can make our appointment directly with the health professional, agreeing on the best day and time, where we will not have to speak with a receptionist or administrative officer or wait in a waiting room but go directly to obtain medical attention at the agreed time, without displacements or previous steps.

Online consultations can improve our lives in all these aspects and many more. We are committed to offering a communication system between patients and medical professionals that provides all the solutions they need in their daily lives, improving their quality of care and energy. If you want to know more about how we can offer you all these advantages, you can find out daily on our blog and contact us through our website.

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