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Suggestions To Improve Your YouTube Experience

By TrendsTechBlog , in APPS , at November 27, 2020 Tags: , ,

YouTube has some neat things you may not be familiar with, and lacking this information does not guarantee the best experience when using the platform.

This article provides a list of great suggestions that will help you get the most out of YouTube. Continue reading and take your time memorizing these suggestions.

1. Convert YouTube Videos

You can convert YouTube videos to mp3 or download them directly to your device. Finding the best YouTube to mp3 converter would mean that you can turn music clips into songs and keep your favorites on a computer or smartphone.

The same thing applies to videos. If you fear that YouTube or the video creator could delete the video from the platform, why not give yourself peace of mind and download the video?

Some people prefer to download desktop software since it gives more customization options, such as video quality and format. On the other hand, using a website that converts YouTube videos is also a good option, particularly since you do not have to bother downloading and installing third-party tools.

2. Subscribe To Premium Services

There are a few reasons you should get YouTube premium services. First of all, no ads. While some internet browsers have AdBlock extensions, not all are effective against YouTube ads. After all, watching a video without interruptions is more enjoyable.

Premium users can also save videos for offline watching. But keep in mind that this is not the same as downloading a video since you can only access it on the device you saved the video. Transferring to another device is not available.

YouTube Music and Google Play Music are other perks since you can access the media for free and listen to it so long as you are logged in to your account.

Finally, some of your favorite content creators may have exclusive and original videos under Premium. It is no secret that YouTube encourages this to incentivize the growth of Premium users.

3. Stream


The number of streamers continues to grow across the world. And YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for it.

You may find that Youtubers you like may do more than just upload videos. They could stream themselves live and interact with the viewers.

At the same time, if you have an established YouTube channel, streaming could become another source of revenue since watchers like to donate to those who provide enjoyable content.

4. Pin Comments

Look at the top comments to find additional information about the video you have just watched. You may find more information about the video. Or maybe the person who uploaded it had forgotten to add something, and they are letting people know by pinning a comment.

Pinned comments are also good to boost engagement rate since you can ask a question or even organize a contest. If you have a channel that you want to grow, do not miss out on this marketing element.

5. Clear Browsing History

YouTube has a history tab on the homepage. You can delete previously viewed videos or stop the platform from tracking your history.

You may be wondering why it is worth deleting browsing history in the first place. Well, some users find that their recommendation tab is not the best, and clearing the history resets preferences, particularly if you have watched many videos in the past that you would no longer find interesting.

6. Schedule Content

Schedule Content

If you run a YouTube channel, you should be aware of how important consistency is. In addition to doing your best quality-wise, you should also stick to a schedule.

However, there are unit times once it’s not possible to publish a video on time as a result of you’ve got alternative commitments. In times like these, you must keep in mind that there’s the way to schedule videos ahead.

Tools like Hootsuite allow you to plan the time for the next installment of your YouTube content. If you have other plans, prepare a video, and schedule it to publish later.

7. Save Videos To Watch Later

If a video is too long and you might not make it, you can right-click on it and select the “Save for Later” option. These videos are saved in the “Watch later” tab on the homepage of YouTube. There is no need to create separate browser bookmarks when the feature is available on the platform.

8. Remember Keyboard Shortcuts

Remember Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning YouTube keyboard shortcuts should not be a problem, given that there are not that many in the first place. You should know that the Spacebar pauses and resumes a video. But did you know that hitting “0” returns you to the beginning of videos?

Up and down arrows increase and decrease volume, while “f” activates the full-screen mode. You can also mute and unmute a video with “m” and speed up or slow down playback rate clicking > and <.

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