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5 Tips To Create Your First Campaign With AdWords

By TrendsTechBlog , in MARKETING , at May 12, 2020 Tags: ,

Google Adwords are a very effective solution for users to find their offer in the search engine. And is that the traffic that takes place in search engines like Google or Bing already represents a large part of the global movement. Today many agencies offer to publish ads online effectively and targeted to the target audience, but in theory, creating and managing an AdWords campaign is open to anyone, even those with less experience.

What Is Google AdWords And How Might It Work

Developing and launching a Google AdWords campaign is not a hidden science, although it does require good prior work, some know-how, and time. In this article, we provide an introduction to the basics of Google AdWords. To create an AdWords campaign, simply open an account, find the right keywords, and write an advertising text, but what happens when the expected success does not occur?

Set Up The Account Properly

When creating an AdWords account and before starting the first campaign, you can choose between two modalities: the new one by clicking on “Create your first campaign” or the advanced one in the “For experienced advertisers” section. That in the “beginner mode” there are many options that are not available when these can be very practical also in the first campaigns.

Separate Display Network From The Search Network

In AdWords campaigns, ads can be published both on the Google search network (SERP) and on the display network. If the user does not opt for any option, all campaigns are published by default on both channels. However, this does not make much sense because both networks start from very different premises regarding planning, design, and optimization and come into contact with the user at different points.

In-display marketing, by contrast, Google places ads on thematically relevant web pages of its advertising network, such as blogs or news portals. Users who access these pages read their content but are not necessarily interested in seeking information about the advertiser’s product. The challenge now is to get the reader’s attention by interrupting the flow of reading decently.

In short, the display network and the search network start from completely different assumptions, which places marketing managers facing equally different challenges. To avoid contradiction, it would be more appropriate to optimize each channel individually than to develop an AdWords campaign on both channels.

Define The Type Of Match With The Keywords

With the help of the types of concordance, the searches that are to activate the ads are defined. Many use the type called for the broad match (match broad), which applies by default. In this type of match, Google publishes the ads for all searches that match the keyword in the broadest sense. Many choose this modality believing that they will be able to reach the maximum number of potential clients, without realizing that Google sometimes interprets this coincidence in the wrong way.

The best solution? Activate all match types, which are:

  • Phrase Match: the search must contain a certain phrase
  • Modified Broad Match (modified broad match): the search must contain the terms but the order may vary
  • Exact Match: the search must correspond exactly with the keyword

Also, it is important to exclude the words (negative concordance) that do not interest. Continuing with the previous example, if you do not want to publish the ads for this vase store for the word “flowers”, all you have to do is exclude it.

Rethink The Structure Of The Campaign

At first glance, keywords like “comparative portable brand” or “portable brand test” are very similar and it is that it is the same product, but it is the intention behind the search that differentiates them. Each of the users is at a different point in the purchase decision process, so there should be no fear of spending the necessary time designing diverse ad groups. When an ad is created based on a homogeneous group of terms, users are shown the most accurate text, the most appropriate link and the corresponding reference to the subpage with the closest logical proximity to the search term.

Define Goals And Use Tracking Correctly

To achieve optimal planning and optimization, Google AdWords has several tracking options that are often not exploited to their full potential. At first, for example, you can turn on conversion tracking, which is relatively easy to integrate and can be used for different purposes: sales, contact requests, newsletter sign-ups, or downloads. Combining it with Google Analytics, the possibilities of analysis and optimization are expanded, allowing the inclusion of performance parameters or KPIs such as permanence, bounce rate, or the number of pages visited, which leads us to the field of advanced optimization.

Think Strategically

Carrying out your first campaigns with Google AdWords can be a huge challenge for marketers. Without the planning, preparation, and insight into the many possibilities, Google has to offer advertisers, early AdWords campaigns can lead to companies falling into a bottomless pit because budgets are often low at first. very limited and leave no room for many experiments. Do not forget that it is better to plan strategically. Thanks to our five tips for creating AdWords campaigns, you can find the best way to get started in the world of search engine advertising.

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